.....This is the official blogsite of Druoun X Images.This site is dedicated to photo editing and related stuffs. No need to pay for something what you've been dreaming of. All services will be provided free of charge.

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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

Druoun X Images would like to greet everyone with...

.....2009 is very meaningful for DXI because this is the year when Druoun X Images was launched by its owner, Matthew Chua. As a recall, DXI has been successful in introducing the advocacy and the uniqueness that it has to offer for its would-be-audience worldwide. DXI's purpose was felt and recognized when it was nominated in this year's successful Philippine Blog awards. Even though DXI didn't made it as a finalist, still its owner is very grateful for the fact that his blogsite is on the right track.

.....Any hour from now, 2009 will be over and thank you very much for your time in reading DXI's posts and for the effort in leaving your comments and opinions about this site. 2010 is approaching and may all of DXI's readers and non-readers have a wonderful and prosperous year!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


....Today, Druoun X Images gives honor to Dr. Jose Rizal, Philippine's National Hero. He lived with greatness, died with honor and inspired many through his living idealisms that changed the lives of everyone.

He may have died because of serving his fellowmen,
but his legacy will live forever.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Druoun X Images would like to greet everyone a....


About the image:

....DXI has decided to create this simple yet meaningful image for everyone to ponder. Christmas is not about gifts and surprises. It is about remembering God's love for us as he sent his son, Jesus Christ, for us to be saved from our sins.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Moment-Taker: Capturing Every Detail of Life

.....This striking photo (left) is courtesy of Heceath Bacolor, owner/developer of ShutterBugsDesign.




.....We must have to explore our own self and know our capabilities and potentialities. Once we've known those God-given talents, let's not forget to share it with everyone. Sharing is a sign of thanking God for the gifts that he gave us and a proof that we are eager to bare fruits so that we can be a living testimony to everyone that someone (HOLY) out there do exist.


.....The model of the photo (above) is none other than Ms. Heceath Bacolor herself. Catch her and her works at http://www.shutterbugsdesign.com/ and be mesmerized by her talent as she takes you into the journey of her captivating images. She also gives tutorials for beginners.
Strike a pose... and be taken by her lenses.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Ms. Melfi Caranto: The Captain of SSG of TIP Manila

.....Today's DXI post is all about Ms. Melfi Caranto. This post serves as a DXI tribute for her as she celebrates her birthday today.

.....Ms. Melfi Caranto is the current adviser of the Supreme Student Government (SSG) of the Technological Institute of the Philippines - Manila. She has already molded, honed, and managed ordinary and simple students-turned-active servant leaders of TIP. She did well in guiding her student leaders towards the path of rightful leadership as she injects them with leadership knowledge, skills, and right values.

.....Melfi Caranto... not just your ordinary Student Affairs Director.... She is... the captain of the SSG ship... Sailing their way both in calm and rough waters.


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

World Aids Day 2009: Facing Aids




.....As part of Druoun X Images' commitment of spreading the awareness across the globe, DXI has come up with this particular picture:

.....Let's all commemorate the danger that this pandemic could give us ones we're infected. Just put in mind that we may do something unusual, wild and dirty just for a night but the deadly effect that was brought by our wrong decisions may ruin our lives forever.

Be educated... Spread what you've learned... Create an atmosphere of awareness... and