.....This is the official blogsite of Druoun X Images.This site is dedicated to photo editing and related stuffs. No need to pay for something what you've been dreaming of. All services will be provided free of charge.

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Karolina!

.....Today, is a very very special day for Karolina because today's her birthday. And for that, Druoun X Images has prepared this particular scene as a tribute for her role in the growth of this website.

.....Karolina is unpredictable. She has a lot of great and unique pictures that tells a story. So if you're wondering "What would be her next scene?". Find out... Roll the dice! Catch her new and incredible poses only here in DXI.

Happy Birthday Karolina!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Stand Up: A Call for Duty and Responsibility

.....Druoun X Images was originally designed to feature photo-edited posts for different purposes. One of its purpose is to generate awareness for the general public to be socially aware of the current issues. Now, for the sake of generating awareness to the public, DXI has decided to make a video-content post just to feature this particular AVP from the environmental advocate group call "DESIGN AGAINST THE ELEMENTS".

.....Hope you listen well to the song's lyrics as it encourages you to STAND UP!


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Karolina: DXI's First official Resident Model

..... November is here and Druoun X Images is very proud to announce its latest news! Remember Karolina who was dubbed as the Lithuanian girl? Yes! Karolina, ( the girl who has a unique and creative way of posing in front of the camera) who became the model for "Green Revelation", "Mystical Princess", and "Silent Sanctuary". She has, indeed, done a very great job from those previous pictures through her amazing poses. Now, you may see her again on DXI's future posts as she is now an official DXI Resident Model. Follow her only here in DXI as she'll reveal more exciting and magical scenes.

.....Note: DXI's declaration for Karolina is really intended for this month (although she has vowed to be part of DXI a couple of months ago) because this serves as an initial present/surprise for Karolina's upcoming birthday.

You may also be DXI's next resident model
if you really deserve to be one.

Squeeze out those creative juices, strike a pose,
send your entry, and be seen here in DXI.

Remember, everyone's a potential artist!