..... November is here and Druoun X Images is very proud to announce its latest news! Remember Karolina who was dubbed as the Lithuanian girl? Yes! Karolina, ( the girl who has a unique and creative way of posing in front of the camera) who became the model for "Green Revelation", "Mystical Princess", and "Silent Sanctuary". She has, indeed, done a very great job from those previous pictures through her amazing poses. Now, you may see her again on DXI's future posts as she is now an official DXI Resident Model. Follow her only here in DXI as she'll reveal more exciting and magical scenes.
.....Note: DXI's declaration for Karolina is really intended for this month (although she has vowed to be part of DXI a couple of months ago) because this serves as an initial present/surprise for Karolina's upcoming birthday.
You may also be DXI's next resident model
if you really deserve to be one.
Squeeze out those creative juices, strike a pose,
send your entry, and be seen here in DXI.
Remember, everyone's a potential artist!