Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Moment-Taker: Capturing Every Detail of Life

.....We must have to explore our own self and know our capabilities and potentialities. Once we've known those God-given talents, let's not forget to share it with everyone. Sharing is a sign of thanking God for the gifts that he gave us and a proof that we are eager to bare fruits so that we can be a living testimony to everyone that someone (HOLY) out there do exist.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Ms. Melfi Caranto: The Captain of SSG of TIP Manila
.....Melfi Caranto... not just your ordinary Student Affairs Director.... She is... the captain of the SSG ship... Sailing their way both in calm and rough waters.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
World Aids Day 2009: Facing Aids
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Happy Birthday Karolina!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Stand Up: A Call for Duty and Responsibility
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Karolina: DXI's First official Resident Model
You may also be DXI's next resident model
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Climate Change: The Frankenstein of Nature
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Philippines Under Typhoon Ondoy
.....Last September 26, 2009, typhoon Ondoy delivered a huge amount of terror to the people of the Philippines. Hundreds of people died and properties that cost millions have been damaged. The scene that the typhoon left is very disheartening.
.....Today, October 1 (first day of the month), signifies a new beginning and a new HOPE. A new beginning that should serve as the victim's starting point and a new HOPE that should serve as their primary inspiration to move forward and to continue with whatever life has to offer them. But, it's not that easy for them to start all over again. Those victims lost their loved ones, properties, and even their HOPE. What these people need right now are people of their own kind who expresses help beyond their potentials. Help... that can only be felt when sincerity has been injected and help... that can light a new and a much brighter direction.
Let's show these victims that we're one of those people who wants to see them have a new and better life.
For Donations, Kindly click HERE
Monday, September 21, 2009
International Day of Peace 2009
I'm longing for peace that I can't find. Only to realize that the peace I'm looking for is residing within me waiting to be unleashed and to be shared with everyone.
Let's spread the virus of peace!
Reveal... Influence....Share
--------------------------------------------------This post is for

Saturday, September 12, 2009
Clash of Conflict
The model of the above photo is none other than DXI's very own Matthew S. Chua. He played both characters of this scene creating a representation of two sides (positive and negative).
"Clash of Conflict: The battle of good and evil"
.....A war that was started a long long time ago by two opposing sides. The primary goal of this war is to recruit people basing on their character, values and the difference that they have made.
Which side will you be?
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
The Catherine Canete Award for Work-Martyr of 2009
.....The above award was named after her as a recognition for her exemplary dedication and hard work. This piece of award will serve as an inspiration for visitors and readers of DXI worldwide.
Love for work, passion, and dedication are the key elements that made this post possible.
Note: This "Post of Recognition" has been posted on this particular date because this DXI certified special date is also her birthday.
Happy birthday and Congratulations to Ms. Catherine Canete!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Dark Invader
"DXI is a mixture of art and advocacy"
.....The above photo, Dark Invader, is just one of the many reasons why DXI was created and being enjoyed by readers world-wide. A very scenic photo that was portrayed by DXI's very own MATTHEW S. CHUA. This particular photo is actually a product of Matthew's passion for both visual arts and performing arts. Thus, Dark Invader was born. And as a result of his dedication for photo-manipulation and leadership, he created Druoun X Images.
Today, Druoun X Images has become a blog site that features:
]Ordinary people who wants to be part of DXI's endeavor.
]People who wants to boost their confidence.
]And people who are artistic in nature but wasn't able to appreciate their innate gift.
Be part of Druoun X Images.
Just read and follow the DXI guidelines
(located at the bottom-most portion of this site).
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Promoting Change

]To dedicate one's talent for the sake of promoting change isn't an easy task. It takes a huge amount of courage strengthened with dedication and passion.
]To promote change requires different skills that can help in influencing people to participate in this kind of advocacy.
]To build positive change, one must first become a builder of hope.
Dreaming of helping the world isn't too ambitious as long as one is capable of exporting that dream from the land of make-believe into the world of true existence.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Art Day 2009
.....Art, you are both my strength and my weakness and I shall dedicate my life to you as long as I leave. You are the flare that burns deep within my soul, the power that runs through my veins and the light that shines on top of my dream . You are my life, my passion, and my soul.

Friday, August 7, 2009
Innate Stardom

.....Basing from his submitted photo (right) and from his request, DXI had decided to come up with this kind of scene (below):
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Embracing Change

Now, for the transformation....
Shown below is the DXI product:
The above photo is the first of DXI's new formulated advocacy which is "Operation Change".
.....Embracing "Change" (represented by a mystical medallion) for the benefit of everyone is such a challenge. Every society really needs to have leaders. Leaders that are open-minded and are willing to create positive change for the betterment of their people.
.....There are two kinds of change: the positive and the negative. What kind of change Druoun X Images would want to promote is the positive one. Let this photo serve as an inspiration and a challenge for every individual who wants to create change for their chosen fields.
Want to be the next model for "Operation Change"? Submit your unique and creative photos that can serve as a tool for influencing people to accept and create positive change for their society.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Deteriorating Paradise

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Silent Sanctuary
And now, the DXI portion....
.....DXI came up of this particular scene (below) that shows the presence of fantasy amidst reality.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Mystical Princess
Now, here's what DXI's finished-product looks like:
Mystical Princess,a girl with a fascinating aura. She loves to be alone wandering around the garden of mysteries. She's friendly yet mysterious.
Do you want to unleash your passionate side?
Show that inner passion and let the world know!
Be the next featured sender of DXI's "Pose for a Change"!
Kindly read the guidelines located on the bottom-most portion of this site.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Less & More

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Green Revelation
.....True beauty isn't about beautiful faces. It is about how we show our care and how we establish a strong relationship with our environment who've nurtured us ever since life has existed. I do own true beauty and I'm revealing it right now! How about you, do you have a true beauty? If you do, then reveal it right now! Don't hide it. Instead, reveal it and let the world know that you have that shining green beauty in your heart!
If you're interested to become DXI's next model, then your entries now! Just read the guidelines located at the bottom-most portion of this page.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
The Missing Piece

Sunday, June 21, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Slave of Art
Sunday, May 10, 2009
True Lies
.....The above photo is another product of Druoun X Images done by its sole founder and publisher, Matthew S. Chua.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
The Calling: A Mission To Take
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Smiley's Hall of Famer

Shown below is the DXI output of our sender's wish

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Image Of Passion

.....DXI is, indeed, doing these stuff in order to help people express their passion. DXI encourages everyone to express their heart's ultimate desire.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Expressive Banners

Sunday, January 25, 2009
Encouraging Posters

.....Try to assess this DXI product and see if this would best work for you. If it does, then send your entries to matart5@yahoo.com. For more information on DXI's rules and regulations, kindly read those items below this blogsite.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
DXI Pictures As One's Reflection
.....Pictures are great examples of this explanation. Scenic pictures to be exact. That is why Druoun X Images is really campaigning for this type of pictures because for one, we could definitely express our inner passion. These pictures are also tools in telling the world what we really want to be aside from the once that people sees from us. This type of picture can be considered as our alter ego's reflection.
.....Below, is an example of friends dreaming of having their own movie. A fantasy movie that can be interpreted in any ways.